Working practice from the communities and effective interventions

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About This Event

Chair: Arnfinn Helleve, Head, Centre for Evaluation of Public Health Measures, The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NO)


Physical activity programme of the city of Helsinki

Minna Paajanen, Project Manager of Physical Activity Programme, City of Helsinki, Sport Services (FI)

Increased walking in a Danish communities

Jan Andersson, special consultant, Danish Healthy Cities Network (DK)

Bikeable city

Christian Dymén, project leader, Trivector Traffic bikeablecity.se (SWE)

Walking in the city, systematically work from Trondheim City

Birgit Høyland, project manager, Trondheim kommune (NO)

Recreational sports and health - a systematic review

Pekka Oja, professor emeritus, UKK-Institute (FI)

Daily steps, all-cause mortality and what works to promote walking

Bjørge Herman Hansen, professor, The University of Agder (NO)


October 27, 2022
3:45 pm