Leisure time activities for inactive groups

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About This Event

Chair: Lasse Heimdal, Secretary general, Kirkens SOS (NO)


Outdoor recreation in and around the city of Oslo - experience and ongoing plans

Henning Hoff Wikborg, general manager, The Norwegian Trekking Association (NO)

The Leisure Card and additional efforts to increase the participation of children in the Breiðholt district

Jóhanna Garðarsdóttir and Þráinn Hafsteinsson, City of Reykjavik (ICE)

Drivers and changes of physical activity among adolescents and young adults – results from the HPSC cohort study

Sami Kokko, associate professor, Jyväskylä University (FI)

Active Together: Increasing social inclusion and well-being in sports clubs

Maliina Abelsen, head of programme, UNICEF Greenland (GL)

Sport, inclusion and equality

Dagfrid Forberg, head of sport development, Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NO)

How to reach inactive groups

Kristin Ekblom, project manager, The Swedish Sports Confederation (SWE)

Fritidsbanken - a library for sports and leisure items

David Mathiasson, operations manager, Fritidsbanken (SWE)


October 27, 2022
3:45 pm